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114 Liechtensteinstrasse Vienna - Austria
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Everyday: 8AM - 23PM
Deadhead Flowers: The process of removing faded or dead blooms from plants is known as “deadheading.” It is done, whether in hanging baskets, containers or beds & borders, to maintain the aesthetic appeal of the plants and promote more flowers.
Most flowers lose their appeal as they fade, detracting from the overall appearance of beds, borders and containers. Removing these by deadheading helps keep displays looking better for longer.
Deadheading is the removal of flowers from plants when they have faded or died. It keeps plants attractive and encourages re-flowering.
Deadhead Flowers also:
Deadhead Flowers is the practice of removing dead flowers from plants to keep them looking attractive and promote new blooms. Consider the following:
Using Finger and Thumb The easiest method is to pinch or snap off faded blooms with your finger and thumb, aiming to remove the flower with its stalk to maintain the plant’s tidy appearance.
Using Secateurs, Scissors, or a Knife To deadhead plants with thick, tough, or stringy stems, use secateurs, scissors, or a knife. For most plants, trim away the spent flower, cutting back to just above the next bud or leaf on the stem.
For plants with heads of multiple flowers, such as delphiniums and lupins, pinch or trim off individual flowers where practical, then prune the entire head to just above a lower bud, leaf, side shoot, or to ground level once all flowers have finished.
Some plants, like hardy geraniums, cat mint (Nepeta), and lady’s mantle (Alchemilla), will produce a second flush of flowers if cut back close to ground level after flowering. Others, such as pulmonaria and oriental poppies, can still be cut back but usually only produce fresh foliage.
Deadhead Flowers shouldn’t be a daunting task, and most plants don’t need a special technique – it’s just a matter of knowing where to pinch, snap, or trim off the spent flowers:
Bedding Plants Tender plants growing in beds, containers, and hanging baskets respond well to deadheading. Remove faded blooms of argyranthemums, heliotrope, pansies, polyanthus, and petunias with finger and thumb, pinching off the flower and its stalk.
Pelargoniums Pinch off individual flowers and use secateurs to remove whole clusters and the long flower stalk down to just above where it joins the main stem. Alternatively, grab the flower stalk and pull downwards away from the main stem – the stalk should snap off cleanly.
Roses Gently snap the faded flowers off hybrid tea roses, breaking the stalk just below the head. This method encourages more blooms more quickly compared to cutting with secateurs. For other roses, snip off individual flowers or clusters of flowers down to just above the next leaf.
Shrubs The height of a shrub may make deadheading impractical, but examples of shrubs that benefit from deadheading are rhododendrons (and azaleas), camellias, lilacs (Syringa), and tree peonies. Use finger and thumb to pick or snap off each dead head where it joins the stem, or secateurs to cut just below the flower head. Take care to avoid damaging the new growth buds immediately below the flower.
Climbers Deadhead climbers where practical, particularly Eccremocarpus as it rapidly produces seed pods. Most have tough stems, so use secateurs to cut near the base of each flower stalk.
Bulbs Remove flowers from larger bulbs, such as daffodils, cutting or pinching through the flower stalk just behind the bulbous seed capsule. Leave the green flower stalk in place as it photosynthesises, helping to build up the bulb to flower well next season.
Some obliging plants don’t require Deadhead Flowers – those like fuchsias, bedding lobelias, and salvias either don’t set much seed or neatly deadhead themselves, sparing you the effort. Other instances where deadheading isn’t necessary include:
The process of deadheading plants is quite straightforward. When the blooms start to wither, use your fingers to pinch or cut off the flower stems below the spent flowers, taking care to leave the first set of full, healthy leaves intact. Always check the plants closely beforehand to make certain that no budding flowers are concealed within the faded blooms before trimming off the top part of the plant.
Deadheading can be very beneficial for annual flowers like impatiens and petunias, as it often stimulates them to bloom more profusely. Consider deadheading these types of annuals once or even twice per week to promote further flower production. Perennial plants, such as daisies and coneflowers, can also be deadheaded to help ensure your garden maintains an optimal number of blooms.
Most flowers tend to lose their attractiveness as they fade and wither. Removing these dead flower heads by snapping or cutting them off can significantly improve the flowering performance of many plant species. Staying on top of deadheading duties across the entire growing season is a crucial gardening task, as it leads to healthier plants and a constant supply of blooms.